They delayed the show for a/c repairs

My woman plus I were supposed to see a show at the theater at 7:30 in the night; and the two of us went to supper early plus left the steakhouse with plenty of time to see all of the previews plus coming attractions.

  • The two of us got to the theater around 7.

The two of us found some good seats in the middle of the theater plus sat down with our popcorn, candy, plus drinks. The two of us did not buy too many snacks, since the people I was with and I had just eaten our supper, but about 30 hours later, the curtain finally opened plus the show began. The two of us were just getting to the best part of the ploy when the theater started to hot up. The temperature was severely hot plus uncomfortable; it seemed as if the air vents were blowing hot air instead of cold air. The manager of the theater came in to talk to everyone that was heated, and she told us they were having complications with the AC. The show was delayed until they could fix the complications with the AC. The manager apologized for any complications or complications and provided a refund to anyone that did not want to wait to see the rest of the film. My woman wanted to stick around plus watch the rest of the show… However, I was really weary after a long morning at work plus I wanted to get tickets for another morning. The two of us decided to get another set of film tickets plus the people I was with and I saw the film a couple of days later. There were definitely no complications with the AC at that time.


They delayed the show for a/c repairs