Making a change for my health

My metabolism always carried me before and kept me trim, but now that I am participating in eating contests I need to make workout plans or I am going to become obese quickly

I was participating in a taco eating contest when I started to get the first touches of doubt. I crushed the first round, and moved onto the finals, which entailed eating mass numbers of bean and beef burritos. I came in second, which came with the award of a fifty dollar gift card for more tacos, and I realized I needed to make a change. Eating food because it tastes good is all well and good, but woofing down 25 tacos in a single sitting just to do it? That’s crazy! I needed to get away from this kind of stuff and start thinking about personal fitness, and the future of my mental and physical health and wellness. I was blessed with a high metabolism and a small frame, so I never really cared about having a workout program because I wasn’t big. I was under the impression that health and wellness was only for overweight people, but now I am seeing things differently. I have slowly started packing on the pounds, and realize that a workout program is what I need to get rid of them. My metabolism always carried me before and kept me trim, but now that I am participating in eating contests I need to make workout plans or I am going to become obese quickly. I will need to find a good local gym I can start using, but I guess the first step is to cut back on all this eating. Maybe if I can eat more sensibly I can lose weight naturally, and not have to worry about going to a gym at all.

Health plans