Do you even lift, bro?

Do you even lift, bro? I don’t lift, but I am in prime shape, and love getting into arguments with muscle bound jocks. I started taking tae kwon do when I was in middle school, and never stopped. When you practice martial arts, strength is secondary to flexibility and range of motion. Packing on too much bulk can slow you down, and martial arts will teach you to be strong in other ways. I go to the gym twice a week, every week, and will still get some problems from time to time because of my small build. Fat shaming is a big no-no at the gym, but picking on people smaller than you is always in fashion. That’s okay, the whole reason I got into martial arts in the first place is for self defence, not a workout program. It turns out the two things go hand in hand, and martial arts gave me a workout program that made me stronger inside and out. I don’t ever start fights with people at the gym, but I never fear these goons no matter how big they are. They are weight lifting every day of the week, which makes them slow and cumbersome. I am light as a feather, and I can sting like a bee if push comes to shove in the locker room. The only reason I go the gym is for the excellent yoga classes, which also helps with my martial arts. If I’m being honest I also enjoy going to the gym for the arguments with idiots.
Personal trainer