A step in the right direction

Taking a walk may not be as healthy an activity as yoga or cross fit, but at least you are in motion, and that is a big thing for larger people.

I can’t really blame COVID for my massive weight gain, although it certainly didn’t help. It was basically an excuse to sit around, do nothing, and eat too much… and I think this is true for a lot of folks out there. If I am being honest, I will admit that I never really did that much before COVID hit, I was still lazy, just not quite as sedentary. Finally I came to the realization that I was hurting myself in a lot of different ways. My health was getting worse, I was sleeping poorly, and it impacted my self esteem. More than anything else I needed nutritional counseling, but I also needed to start being a lot more active in my day to day life. I was still pretty far away from being comfortable enough to go to a gym, but there are a lot of things we can all do that don’t involve a gym. Taking a walk may not be as healthy an activity as yoga or cross fit, but at least you are in motion, and that is a big thing for larger people. Once I lose a little weight then I would start going to the gym and getting some tone or definition to my body. But at first I needed to focus on my overall personal fitness training, which meant changing all my eating habits and spending more time moving around. My health plans might not be the best in the world, but for the first time ever I actually have health plans, so that;s a step in the right direction.
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