My household isn’t very active

I had never really given air purifiers that much thought until I got married.

I had always been healthy and fit.

This was mostly due to my lifestyle choices. I never did see the appeal in how so many other people lived. They were content with living a sedentary lifestyle and living off a diet of fast and processed food. I have a lot of friends that live this way and it does concern me for their health, however I’m not pushy about it and I try to respect other people’s decisions. When I met my husband he was one of those guys, but that didn’t matter to me because of how great of a person he was. Thankfully, he has seen first hand with me how living a healthier lifestyle can benefit you and he has started trying it for himself. Before then he would sit on the sofa all day eating pizza and was very protective over the thermostat and the HVAC system in general. Don’t get me wrong, he was a hard worker and when we had kids he would do all he could to provide for me and the children, but he would rather watch the TV under the air vent all day than to do anything else. Now that I have convinced him to get outside a little more he tells me over and over how the air outside is nothing like the air inside. He said even the best HEPA filter can’t replicate good fresh air, and we even have an air purifier in the house to help deal with odors. He seems a lot happier too.

washable filter