A little something to get started

If there is something I have noticed among a lot of new supplier owners, it is that they know their supplier will be just fantastic with unquestionably little advertising, and that relying on word of mouth was going to be enough to get them through.

A lot of them also don’t believe in the power of digital marketing, and believe that all the people will still look at billboards of other forms of older ads, which are some of the least effective forms of ads.

I don’t entirely waste our time trying to convince people that their methods are unlikely to work, because most won’t listen anyways, and I have our bets that their business won’t last long. So when I heard my daughter was thinking about starting up her own business, I knew I had to tell her about online marketing. My daughter has been a Heating and Air Conditioning specialist most of her life, but she has always wanted to be a business owner, and she is finally ready to take that step. I sat my daughter down and explained all about web building, SEO, PPC and how marketing companies operated. I entirely could have shown her all of these things myself, even though I haven’t dealt with marketing for awhile, and she would be better off with someone who is more with the times. I directed her towards a digital marketing company that gave SEO services. I even helped her pay for the company.


SEO services