It’s not too tough to ease the HVAC repair costs by paying attention

I would love to be a more well rounded person.

  • Being able to properly handle just about any sort of circumstance is something that would be ideal.

However, I’m the sort of person who simply has to lean on my strengths to get by in this world. It’s the only thing that actually gets me out of the HVAC and out into the world. I don’t do all that great around people. Luckily, I am able to work from the HVAC comforts of my home. And I love the office I set up in my small home. It’s very nicely HVAC controlled and I’m free of all the office politics. Plus, I just don’t deal well with all the tension and personal drama of my coworkers. My strengths are much better played on when I can concentrate. Working from home allows me to do just that. My boss was stunned by the increase in my productivity and impact once I started working from home. He told me to stay put and only come in for big, mandatory office meetings. That works great for me. Working from home also allows me to pay attention to the life I have here. I’m able to really be a part of my environment and notice what needs attention. In fact, I recently saved myself a big, expensive HVAC repair because I was able to be paying attention to the HVAC. I noticed a very slight but strange sound coming from the HVAC cabinet. I called the HVAC folks and it looks like I caught the very beginning of a bad problem.


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