So much for the HVAC upgrade

Over the Wintertide season my partner as well as I generally go to our little southern home.

It is nice spending the holidays in warm weather as well as sitting right on a lake.

All of us drink pear schnapps as well as ice Pepsi with warm sand between our toes. It makes for a better Thanksgiving, Christmas as well as New Year celebration. However, leaving my northern home is typically a pain. I need to get everything perfectly settled before I leave for months at a time. I need to arrange someone to water my beautiful plants. I have a man ensuring that my driveway gets plowed, the car starts every now and then as well as flip lights turn off as well as on. This year I was nervous about the heating situation in my current house. My kitchen gas fireplace isn’t exactly all that powerful. For years I relied solely on a ventless gas oil furnace for the kitchen as supplemental heating. Well the little gas oil furnace had been threatening to start on fire or just plain die for months. I finally gave in and decided that before leaving this winter, I would buy a heat pump for the kitchen. The local Heating, Ventilation & A/C serviceman wasn’t able to come as well as do the heat pump installation at the house until the day before I left. I got the guy in as well as out of the home in record time, though. I turned on my heat pump as well as went to bed. When I woke up that day for my flight I realized the heat pump wasn’t operating. I had to leave the home nevertheless. So now during my unbelievable Wintertide at the lake house, I am on the iphone the whole time trying to get the heat pump up as well as running.


ductless HVAC