Weird dreams, air conditioning is now affecting my dreams.

I guess my a/c equipment is now influencing my dreams, and for almost a week straight, I kept dreaming of being severely cold… Usually the theme of my dream was the same, which was I would realize that I was unnaturally cold, and I would keep turning on my heating plan in attempts to ward off the cooling breeze.

Somehow, my sleep reMained intact and I woke up and continued life as usual.

After afternoon 3 of continuous cooling system dreaming, it was beginning to bother me. I started researching so called dream telling websites, which supposedly told you why you are having particular dreams, but I could find anything involving myself and others and a heater. Anyways, it still continued for afternoons, and it wasn’t until a week had passed when I found the source of my cold dreams. Apparently I kept forgetting to turn off my cooling system every evening before bed, and the cooling plan coupled with the cold evening breeze made it where I was cold every evening! Surprisingly, I did not wake up, but instead I just dreamed about it. If you’re wondering how I did not notice by afternoon, it was because by afternoon it was back to being hot outside, and my house, even with the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system, had warmed up as well, so I never noticed anything amiss… Yesterday, I made sure to turn off the a/c equipment and turn on the heater, and I did not have any weird air conditioning related dreams. From now until summer, I will have to make sure that I always turn off the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C unit, otherwise my dreams will remind me.

gas heater