Dehumidifier helps our a/c

When our hubby and I moved south, both of us were prepared for the heat.

The purpose of our move was to get away from the sub zero temperatures and endless amounts of snow up north.

Both of us chose a location where we’d never need any genre of gas furnace. Both of us left behind the snow shovel, ice scraper, wool coats and heavy boots and looked forward to sunshine and orange skies. Before purchasing our new home down south, both of us made sure to have the cooling system checked out by a professional HVAC dealer. The specialist checked and worked on all of the components, replacing any worn parts, removing the buildup of debris within the inner laborings and making sure everything was operating at peak capacity. Because of this service, both of us expected the a/c to keep the new home perfectly cool and comfortable without costing us a luck in electric bills. However, our first month of summer time in our new new home was downright miserable. The outside temperature climbed into the upper nineties and the humidity was brutal, then no matter how low both of us adjusted the thermostat, the indoor environment still felt sticky and overheated… Every day, the windows were so fogged over and covered in condensation that both of us couldn’t see outside. I finally called the HVAC contractor back and complained about the performance of the a/c. He explained that an a/c extracts heat from the air however isn’t designed to handle such excessive levels of humidity. He suggested that both of us invest in a whole-home dehumidifier. The dehumidifier has made all the difference. Now that we’ve gotten moisture levels under control, the a/c doesn’t need to labor as hard. The new home feels cooler at higher thermostat settings, and our yearly energy bills are significantly less pricey.

Geothermal heat pump