I used to brag about how quiet my cooling machine was

My cooling machine is no longer quiet! I used to brag about my window air conditioning machine because it was especially quiet.

People would come over to my lake residence and tell me that they had never heard such a quiet cooling machine in their life. I don’t really know the amount of people who commented on how quiet my cooling machine was, however it was a lot of people. It was pretty awesome that my cooling machine was so quiet. I undoubtedly had never heard such a quiet cooling machine either. I bought it new from a second hand store… The box said that it had never been used. It was all wrapped up in foam and original packaging, so I am positive it was never used. It is truly a nice cooling machine. I looked up the price of an up-to-date cooling machine that was the same brand, and it was quite overpriced. I care about the fact that I was able to get the cooling machine for so cheap. On the box, it said that it was a quiet cooling machine, however I just assumed that all cooling machines undoubtedly said that. It was undoubtedly true though. The cooling machine is very quiet! Well, it was super quiet. It is not all that quiet anymore unfortunately. I certainly wish that it was. It isn’t loud, however it is as loud as a regular cooling machine. It is sort of sad because I am not able to brag on my quiet cooling machine anymore. It is basically like a normal cooling machine now. Oh well, at least the cooling machine still works.

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