Didn’t have to worry about the ductwork thanks to ductless mini split

Getting the most out of our appliances is something that I care a lot about.

This was not always the case. However, after both of us renovated our property, I had a whole modern appreciation. The kitchen was a total makeover. The appliances both of us added were all modern plus top of the line. Happily, I did my homework in order to get excellent value and a nice price. Having gone through this with all the stuff in the kitchen, it prepared myself and others for replacing the HVAC equipment. Initially, I started doing all the research on my own. There was so much out there that I was having a tough time just separating various HVAC equipment from one another. I recognize it hadn’t occurred to me that there were other HVACs than a central air HVAC. This led me to engage an HVAC business to get some clarity on everything. What a stroke of luck that happened to be. The HVAC business came to our lake property plus honestly helped us understand our HVAC equipment needs. Not only that however he also diagnosed our lake property plus the old HVAC equipment. He agreed that both of us were in need of an HVAC replacement. However, he pointed out how ancient plus poorly designed the HVAC ventilation system happened to be. Most of the ducts were ruined or too old to fit a modern system. I was completely shocked because I did not anticipate this extra cost. That’s when he showed us the ductless HVAC. It made so much more sense to have a series of mini split ductless HVAC units than replace the entire central air system. So, that’s what both of us did plus couldn’t be happier about our choice.
