Good tip from my HVAC worker

Last month I had my first HVAC check up for the year. I always have my HVAC tune ups in January, April and September every year around the first week or so of those months. When the heating and air conditioning specialist was here last month, he made both an observation and a suggestion to me about the air filters I had been using for my central heating and air conditioning system. He told me if I had spent a few extra dollars and bought some HEPA air filters, that my central heating and cooling system would perform a lot better and give much better air quality in my home. HEPA air filters I had thought were just for air purification systems. However, the heating and air conditioning specialist told me that certain kinds of HEPA air filters can in fact be used in your central heating and air conditioning system! Had I known that, I may have done this on my own a few years back. Changing my air filter is a hassle as it is, and with the air filters that I have been buying they really don’t last as long as they should. The indoor air quality starts going downhill within a month or so after I changed them! I remember at one time I was able to go 3 months or more without changing my air filters and never had a problem with my indoor air quality. But the HVAC specialist told me the older the system gets the more you will have to either change your air filters or upgrade to higher quality air filters like the HEPA brand.


Ductless heat pump