Need a/c on the stage

I work just outside Hollywood on a TV and film soundstage.

This task is pretty interesting.

We do what they call foley work. That is the recording as well as dubbing of all the awesome sound effects you hear in TV and film. While working on the soundstage, there can be some problems sometimes that have to be dealt with, from post production or pre production problems, to problems like what happened the other week, which was the commercial a/c broke down! And the a/c didn’t cut down because of a natural thing, it was because some idiots ended up slicing the main tubing that pumps the air from the a/c unit! They were setting up some kind of props to do a sound effects recording session when they sliced it! This caused some major concerns because we were on a deadline plus we needed the commercial a/c fully functioning because it was the middle of summertime! So as part of my task of taking care of things, I had to get on my cellphone and call a heating and air conditioner business to send a certified HVAC technician out for an emergency Heating, Ventilation plus A/C appointment! I am truly happy I wasn’t the one having to pay for this HVAC service bill! The rich studio owners were,.so to them, the price of emergency A/C service was no big deal. They had the commercial a/c back up and running within a few hours with new tubing, and then all was well.

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