Cold weather is for romance – fireplaces

The older I get, the less I understand how people can be married to the same human for 50 years. I swear, my interest in someone starts to decrease after week 2. As soon as we’ve gotten the fun “firsts” out of the way – like the first kiss, the first date, the first time you stay over – I’m kind of over it. I feel like I’ve been there, seen that, and I know what’s coming. I don’t understand how people can keep doing the same thing over and over again for their entire lifetimes. Maybe it’s because I’m so stressed out that it’s difficult to even consider Romance. I guess not everybody feels this way, because they have more time in their lives and better environments for romantic activities. In fact, thinking back on some of the happiest couples that I knew, they usually had a fireplace. All of the long-term couples I know reside in the far north region of the country. When winter settles in, cold air comes blasting through their region and there’s no escape for the next six or eight months. Most people have a traditional forced air furnace that they operate at home, but when the air also owned a beautiful, romantic wood burning fireplace in there home. Since it’s so extremely frigid, they supplement their indoor heat by fueling traditional wood fireplaces. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but every happy old couple that I know also owned a beautiful, romantic wood burning fireplace in their home. There must be something about cold air and cuddles that I’m missing in the hot and humid south.


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