Why did I take our holiday in FL?

Last Wintertide I decided to visit a friend who lives in FL.

  • She and I have been friends for over twenty years and the two of us regularly visit 1 another when the two of us can.

Although this requires paying for airfare and a hotel, the time that the two of us spend together is well worth it, however unfortunately, the only time that she had free for our visit in northern FL was in July. I knew that it would be a exhausting time to go there, however as it was Wintertide when I made the plans, I put the whole timing thing in the back of our head and forgot about it. Well, the time had arrived, and I found myself in the deep South in the hottest part of the year. I took the airport shuttle to the hotel, and after checking in at the front desk, made our way to our room. Thankfully, it was attractively air conditioned. I unpacked, called our friend, and made our plans to meet her at an part cafe. I flagged a taxi, got into the back seat, and into stifling heat – both inside and out of the vehicle. The driver apologized over the fact that his air conditioner was broken as he drove myself and others to our endpoint. I figured that the eating establishment would be cool, and there wasn’t much that could be done about the taxi cab… Once I got dropped off, the heat from the street and sidewalk hit myself and others hard. I rushed into the eating establishment to meet our friend and was met with another blast of hot air – the eating establishment’s air conditioner was malfunctioning! I was losing our patience – not to mention a ton of bodily fluids – by the hour. At least our friend agreed that the two of us should leave the hot arena at once to find a cooler arena to eat.


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