New undefined installed at our office.

I work in an office on the third floor of an office building.

The windows of our office suite run from the floor to the ceiling, as well as our private office faces the south side of the building.

As much as I prefer the view, the heat that is emitted from the south-facing windows is intense. The manager turned down our request to have blinds or curtains installed, claiming that it would ruin the decor. The concern is that the building is aged as well as often malfunctions. Once it gets to be the middle of the summer, I bring in a fan as well as dress in the coolest outfit that I can get away with. Some afternoons, the manager sets the control machine too cold as well as other afternoons she sets it way too hot. The people I was with and I have a suggestion box located on the wall in the reception area, as well as several of our co-workers as well as I have put suggestions in the box pertaining to the unpleasant temperature during the Summer months. I read somewhere that employee comfort is directly related to employee productiveness. I mentioned the learn in our written suggestion. The aged has been repaired more than once by a team of heating as well as cooling workers! But the effects of their repair never last long, as well as the people I was with and I beginning the cycle all over again. The more the malfunction of the cooling system, the more I am leaning towards getting our own portable air conditioner. I’ve been told that they are a bit noisy, but at this point it doesn’t matter. The sizzling sunlight streaming into the windows plus the on-and-off functioning of the air conditioner have caused wonderful discomfort as well as stress. I’m tempted to take a few personal afternoons to escape the situation, although I absolutely don’t want to waste them.


Home owner solutions

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