Our son stepped on a bee

He waited until later that evening to go down and check out the situation.

A couple years ago, my husband tore down an old electric fence that had been around my blueberry bushes when we first planted them. The rabbits and groundhogs love eating the tender shoots, and the deer and birds thought the blueberries were there for them to munch on. There wasn’t much electricity in the wire, but it was enough to deter the animals from destroying my bushes. Within two years, we were able to put netting over the bushes and it is enough to deter animals from getting to my plants. When he removed the wire fencing, he had to cut it apart and there was one small piece of wire that was hidden under the blueberry bush. My son was down in the yard picking the berries when he stepped on a bee and got stung. We thought it was just a bee that had been in there feasting on the burgeoning blueberries. We were wrong because when my husband went down to get our son, he saw a swarm of bees in the area where Max had been stung. He waited until later that evening to go down and check out the situation. There were bees swarming in and out of a small hole in the ground that had been protected by the wire. I hadn’t realized that yellowjackets would build nests in the ground. As long as the nest wasn’t disturbed, we didn’t know the yellowjackets were there. Once the nest was disturbed, they were ready to defend their home and the meal they had been enjoying.

Yellow Jacket Extermination

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