Contacting a personal fitness trainer after a nasty fall

As a superintendent of schools, part of my job requires me to travel to various conferences. A little over a year ago, while staying in hotel for an educator’s conference, I slipped and fell. I was stepping out of the shower and the tile floor was wet and slick. My foot slid out from under me and I fell quite badly. At first, I didn’t realize how badly I was hurt. Once I laid down, however, I had difficulty breathing and was unable to get up. I was forced to call for emergency assistance. I was rushed to the hospital and discovered I’d broken several ribs and punctured a lung. This was caused by my inability to catch and support my own body weight. I realized that I need to lose a few pounds and strengthen my muscles. I have never had any luck with diets or gym membership. I decided to contact a personal trainer, and the results have been amazing. I work with a certified fitness expert for one-on-one training twice per week. She guides me through a series of exercises for strength gain, flexibility, balance and aerobics. She also works with me on nutritional counselling and developing meal plans. Because of my personal trainer, I am in the best shape of my life. I have lost the weight, put on muscle mass, and have far more energy. I not only can support my weight but have no trouble with twenty push ups. I know that I have greatly improved my health and quality of life.


Personal Trainer

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