My furnace keeps me functioning

I swear, one of the few things that still keep me functioning is my heating system.

That probably makes it sound like I have no life, and nothing to look forward to, but no, what I actually mean is that whenever I am cold I freeze.

Seriously, if it gets below 50 degrees, I start moving less and just kind of cuddle in blankets until I can warm up enough to actually start moving around again. While cuddling in the blankets technically works, it really is a hassle to constantly have a cover on me otherwise I might start freezing up again. So, that’s when I decided to invest in my furnace. This house I am currently living in I have lived in for a few months, I already knew prior to buying the house the heating unit didn’t work, and that didn’t bother me. Now that I realize that being cold all of the time has become an issue for me in the wintertime I have decided to get a HVAC business to send out one of their HVAC techs to come and fix my heating unit. Thankfully, the HVAC company closest to me wasn’t really busy so they were able to come out the very next day and fix my heater. The price was definitely a lot higher than I would like, but I think it will be worth it if it will allow me to start functioning like a normal human being again. That was yesterday, and my furnace has been working great! I can leave my cover on my bed and go throughout my house without the worry of becoming overly cold, going outside is a different story, but that’s okay because I work at home.


Furnace filter for sale