Moving for work

However, the locale I am going to transfer experiences drastic winter weather & I would have to get all new winter coats because I don’t own any at the moment.

I have been out of university for about a year now & haven’t found a job that I am super affectionate about yet. I particularly want to go to labor everyday & feel like I am making a difference in the world. However, since I graduated I have just been laboring at a local steakhouse while I am applying for jobs! Last year I finally got an interview for a job that I would particularly be interested in. After the interview, I just had a gut feeling that I was going to get the job. Two hours later I got a call with a job offer & accepted instantly. The only terrible part about the job is that it would require me to transfer across the country. I would have to transfer to a part of the country that gets much colder than I am used to right now. I currently live in a honestly hot area & I particularly enjoy that it never gets cold here. However, the locale I am going to transfer experiences drastic winter weather & I would have to get all new winter coats because I don’t own any at the moment. I would also have to get used to always having the boiler running! Right now I only keep the a/c on & I don’t even have a heater. This is something that is going to have to change. I don’t know if I will like always having the boiler on, although I think that’s something I can’t live without in this new weather conditions.


Quality heating