Cold office

Have you ever been trying to get work done however been unable to because the temperature in your office is so uncomfortable? Well, this is my daily struggle at my new job. I want to start off by saying that I honestly do love my job & I feel fortunate to be emplotted in these trying times, however periodically you just have to vent about things that bother you in the workplace, however for me, the largest complaint I have is the cold uneven temperatures in my office building. I know that the thermostat is controlled by other building all together, so I should not complain to my building management. I have tried to complain about the temperature of the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C to our corporate office, however that doesn’t seem to help much either. I don’t know what to do because even in the middle of the winter season it feels like the cooling system is blasting through the air vents. I periodically even have to kneel on my hands in order to stay moderate while working, however that does not allow for a genuinely productive work morning. My office won’t allow space boilers either because I have already tried to go down that route, then one morning soon I feel like I am going to have to have a harsh talk with my manager about the heating & cooling system in our office. I don’t have to have to dress like I am going out in the arctic tundra every time I go to work. For right now though I am just going to have to put up with these Heating, Ventilation, & A/C concerns.


heating business