Changing the oil filter on the boiler

My dad is consistently traveling for work.

  • He is normally gone for about three weeks out of every month plus I don’t know how my mom deals with it, then i feel disappointing for her most of the time because she had to take care of everything around the house separate from any help from my dad.

I try to step plus help out as much as I can, however my mom still feels overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done. My mom told me last yearthat she was going to have to call an Heating & Air Conditioning company to come out to the house plus change the oil filter for our boiler before it got cold outside. I knew that calling an Heating & Air Conditioning company to come out to the house would be overpriced, so I told my mom I would try to figure out how to do it own my own. I watched a couple of videos on how to change the oil filter on your boiler plus it entirely didn’t seem like it would be too difficult to do, but so I went down to the basement to try plus change the oil filter on our boiler. I was surprised that it only took my thrity minutes to finish changing the oil filter because most of the videos I watched said it would take much longer. I told my mom that she didn’t need to call the Heating & Air Conditioning company because I was able to figure it out. I don’t know my mom has been that cheerful in a while. I just hope that my dad comes dwelling soon so he can start doing things like this for her around the house.


oil furnace