The other afternoon at art class, the heating system was on full blast

The other afternoon at my painting class, they had the heating system going full blast. It was so tepid in our classroom that I could barely even breathe, let alone paint! As a matter of fact, the boiling air that was blasting from the heating vents above my easel was so boiling that it kept drying out the paint that I put on my canvas. I kept trying & it just kept on happening. I don’t know why in the world they had the heating system on full blast because it wasn’t even all that frigid outside that afternoon. I suppose that the temperature was absolutely around 40 degrees, however they had the thermostat turned up to absolutely 76 degrees inside of the studio & it was brutal. I suppose that the room was even hotter than it normally would have been because they had the kiln going in the room too, and that kiln legitimately starts heating the location up when it’s going full blast; Even though it’s supposed to be insulated, it still heats the room up; During the summers, the air conditioner never seems to work all that well in the room; However, it’s still frigid outside here for the most part & they had the heating system turned on. I suppose that when the kiln is running, they should not even have the heating system on in the first location, but of course, no one legitimately cares what I suppose about it. I’m just a student, however I suppose that they should legitimately spend money more attention to the temperature in the studio so that it’s not so uncomfortable there.



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