My associate wants a thermostat like ours

My associate regularly seems to want the same things that my relaxing friend and I have; It’s getting to the point where it’s just weird, if you ask me.

  • I never had anyone want to be just like me before.

I know that they say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, however I don’t like it at all when I am being imitated, then when our neighbors try to do everything the same way that my relaxing friend and I do, it just makes me mad, however last year, they did their landscaping the same way that my relaxing friend and I did & then they went out & bought a modern automobile that was just like ours, too. As if that wasn’t peculiar enough, they came over to talk to the HVAC company that my relaxing friend and I were using & they asked them what they were doing inside of our house! I literally could not believe it when they did that. I mean, they have some nerve, I think. I would never in a million years suppose about doing that to my neighbors. I just feel like it’s super peculiar for someone to ask about what kind of heating & cooling system or thermostat system that you have in your home. I don’t know. I just feel like it’s a little bit too intrusive. I feel it doesn’t legitimately matter all that much if they end up with the same HVAC system as us, however it still just makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable. I suppose that they absolutely just have issues with making decisions, but maybe they just trust our judgment more than they trust their own.

heating corp