Goodbye radiant heating system till next winter

I’m reading that patience is helping me a lot in life.

I have 10K shares of this stock that went from $21 when I bought it to 45 cents now, but my patience is telling me that all I have to do is let it stand and it will go back up once again.

I am just forgetting about this money and I put a limit sell on it so that when it hits the $11 mark I am going to get out. That would give me plenty of emergency money so let’s see if it hits that mark. Heating in my home is going to be a thing of the past now that the weather is getting warmer, and maybe with the warm weather will come more sales from the local business with my electric car supplier that I have shared with. I have an income so I am good with money and it should be nice to go for the next several years till my handy SS checks start rolling in. I will keep working for the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier even when I get my SS money, by doing heat pump repairs and things like that I will also stay busy. I plan on playing music in my band till I can’t play anymore, which also puts a little money in my pocket. I don’t know why I worry about money when my heating and cooling job has been there for me for so many years. I know worry is part of my DNA, however I am trying to do less of it the older I get.

electric heater