Four furnace filters for fixing

With a parade bringing a lot of noise, this town is busy this week, so I am planning on staying home until it is over, then heading to the beach for some sun.

It is tough to go to the beach now, with all of the people, so I think I will just stay home and get some stuff done.

I am going to work on my home this week, and clean it up so it is ready for the warm summer time that is on its way. I will start with the furnace filter. A furnace filter is an important component of an HVAC system. It helps to keep the air clean by filtering out dust, pollen, and other particles that can cause respiratory concerns. Over time, furnace filters can become dirty, plugged, reducing their effectiveness, potentially causing damage to the furnace itself. If you notice that your furnace filter is dirty or plugged, take action to repair it as soon as possible. Here’s how to do it: Turn off the furnace. Before you begin any labor on your furnace filter, make sure to turn off the furnace and wait for it to cool down completely. This will help to prevent any accidents or injuries while you are working on the filter, remove the filter: Locate the filter compartment on your furnace and open it up. Carefully remove the filter and inspect it for damage. If the filter is disfigured or worn out, it will need to be upgraded rather than repaired. More to come in the following article!


Residential heat and AC