Deciding to go ahead with putting in a geothermal heat pump

My partner and I were initially scared off by the super high start-up cost of a geothermal heat pump… The massive expense is the necessary excavation and more complex upgrade of the ground loop system, but however, the two of us legitimately liked the method of investing into a more environmentally friendly option than a forced air furnace and convention central cooling system.

The Environmental Protection Agency lists geothermal systems as the most environmentally responsible means of heating and cooling! While the most efficient furnace on the market achieves a 98% AFUE rating, a geothermal heat pump offers 400% efficiency.

The operation creates four units of energy for every 1 it draws to operate the heat pump. There is the potential to split heating and cooling costs by up to 50%. The savings on biweekly energy bills can entirely reuse the purchase and upgrade expense within five years; After considering all of the pros and cons, the two of us decided to go ahead with geothermal temperature control and have been severely satisfied. The addition of a simple valve provides for virtually free production of sizzling water for the home; Plus, the heat pump is especially quiet and clean! It helps to combat excess humidity while the two of us were in the summer time and doesn’t cause concerns with overly dry air in the winter. In heating mode, the method works by drawing heat energy out of the ground and delivering it indoors. It utilizes the free and renewable energy provided by the sun, and no matter the outside conditions, the ground remains at a steady temperature all year round. In cooling mode, the heat pump reverses the process to pull heat out of the condo and transfer it to the ground.


Deciding to go ahead with putting in a geothermal heat pump