Deciding to go ahead with installing a geothermal system

My spouse & I were initially scared off by the super high start-up cost of a geothermal heat pump, however the large expense is the necessary excavation & more complex replacement of the ground loop system, then however, both of us absolutely liked the method of investing into a more environmentally friendly option than a forced air gas furnace & convention central air conditioning.

The Environmental Protection Agency lists geothermal systems as the most environmentally responsible means of heating & cooling, however while the most efficient gas furnace on the market achieves a 98% AFUE rating, a geothermal heat pump offers 400% efficiency.

The operation creates several units of energy for every 1 it draws to operate the heat pump. There is the potential to break heating & cooling costs by up to 50%. The savings on monthly monthly bills can absolutely recover the purchase & replacement expense within more than four years… After considering all of the pros & cons, both of us made the decision to go ahead with geothermal temperature control & have been seriously pleased. The addition of a simple valve provides for virtually free production of overheated water for the home, and plus, the heat pump is especially quiet & clean, and it helps to combat excess humidity while in the summer time & doesn’t cause concerns with overly dry air in the winter. In heating mode, the plan works by drawing heat energy out of the ground & delivering it indoors. It utilizes the free & renewable energy gave by the sun. No matter the outside conditions, the ground remains at a steady temperature all year round. In cooling mode, the heat pump reverses the process to pull heat out of the house & transfer it to the ground.



air quality systems