It is important to have a working HVAC system inside a school

My cousin works in a charter school in one of the southern states of the country.

The school has been around for about 20 years and my cousin has been teaching for about 8 years now. Recently, she was promoted to assistant principal, and it has been a roller coaster of emotions ever since. While she loves her job, it does come with its set of challenges, which is to be expected being in a school system. If it’s not the kids doing something wrong, it’s the faculty complaining about the kids doing something wrong. Or they will complain about other things that they are not satisfied with, which include wages, hours, and testing, just to name a few. So, she hears a lot during her day, and she has been learning to focus only on the things that she can immediately change. Last week, when the HVAC went down in the middle of a cold front, of course, she heard the complaints from everyone. After the principal realized that the commercial HVAC company wouldn’t be able to fix the issue right away, they closed the school down for the day. This was the best decision because it wouldn’t be comfortable for the students or faculty to sit inside cold classrooms. The students wouldn’t be able to focus, which would perhaps frustrate the teachers even more. It is so important to have a good working HVAC system inside our schools. It helps to regulate the temperature in the classrooms, so that they are comfortable environments for learning for both the students and the faculty.

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