I got a few days from the a/c

The weather report says there is a 1% opportunity of snow this weekend.

For the record, this is the highest it has ever been! In 35 years living here I have never seen snow once.

We hardly ever even get hail, because the ice typically melts before it hits the ground. I doubt that all of us will see any snowflakes, however at least all of us will have a burst of frosty weather, which will be a welcome change of pace for me, then people who live up north are sleepy of ice, snow, and frosty temps, but I relish the idea that I can stop running my a/c for a few days. In my new home the air conditioning stays on 24 hours a morning, 40 to 50 weeks a year. When the temps dropped I clicked off the temperature control and opened up all the windows. It had been so long since I had natural ventilation in the new home it was love a gigantic breath of fresh air! The temps kept dropping, so I had to close the windows again. I even toyed with the idea of turning on the gas furnace, just to see if it still worked, however decided to get out the Wintertide blankets instead. The whole point was to give my central Heating and A/C system a chop for a few days, so I let it rest and rest while I curled up on the couch under a mountain of blankets. The frosty weather only lasted for more than two days, and then it was time to turn the a/c back on and return to normal.

air duct