I got into an argument with my hvac

I woke up in the middle of the residing room floor, half naked plus covered in something sticky that I hoped was spilled wine. I had absolutely little recollection of the previous several afternoons, but my house was a wreck plus I vaguely recalled throwing a get-together for a few friends, however after the fifth round of drinks plus the minute cannabis blunt, everything got particularly hazy. The next thing I believe it’s several afternoons later, I’m as dehydrated plus hung over as I’ve ever been, plus I’m laying on a pile of broken plastic pieces. I hastily discovered these plastic pieces were the housing for my smart thermostat, which had been ripped off the wall plus smashed. Had I done that to my own thermostat, plus if so, why had I done it? I called my neighbor Ben, who I seem to recall came by to visit at some point, plus asked if he knew what happened to my thermostat. Ben started laughing, because he couldn’t guess I didn’t remember what had happened! Apparently I started giving voice commands to the thermostat, plus then got miserable when it didn’t respond. This is a smart thermostat, but it has never had the functionality of using voice commands, so I don’t believe why I did that. At one point I told Ben that I would “teach the thermostat a lesson it wouldn’t forget” plus then I punched it several times, however now I need to find the money for a new thermostat, plus get a professional out here to repair the injure to my wall.

air conditioner install