Air conditioned summer time lake home up north

I am originally from the northeastern region of the country, but I moved to the southeastern region of the country almost ten years ago to start my career; There are pros plus cons of living in the north plus in the south… One thing I abruptly l received about living in the south is how much I dread the summers here, and i essentially have to stay cooped up inside in my central a/c to stay comfortable.

The heat plus humidity are extreme! Despite purchasing a smart control unit, my electric bills are insanely high in the summer time because I have to stay in the a/c so much.

I do not miss the Winter up north, however having to shovel my car out of the snow to go to work is something that I will never have to do in the south. Having to blast the heat in my car while I shiver is not something I miss! Because I like the winters in the south plus the summers in the north, I figured it was time to make an investment plus purchase a lake home up north to use in the summer. I took my time searching for the right home because this is not a cheap purchase. I noticed that many of the lake houses I researched did not have central a/c. This makes sense because the summer time heat in the north is usually manageable without central a/c. However, I am so accustomed to my central a/c from living in the south for so long that I decided that central a/c is a must have for my list. I finally found the perfect lake home in my budget. It has central a/c plus big windows to see the lake view.

Heater maintenance