Boy, am I ever impressed by the ductwork cleaning

I was sort of surprised by the steepness of the learning curve when it came to being a first time homeowner.

It took me a while to realize that taking care of my home, the HVAC, the property and all of it fell on me. There was no more calling the rental office to get things fixed. And, I spent plenty of time calling that rental office over residential HVAC issues while living in apartments. That’s what I had to live in order to save enough for a down payment. But after nearly a decade of saving end dealing with that not so great heating and cooling, I was able to get out of apartment life. Finally, I had enough to put down on a starter home. One thing I had no idea about was the ductwork cleaning. This was something that I had sort of heard about maybe from radio ads. However, since I had new HVAC equipment, I wanted to start out with clean air ducts. I called HVAC company to make an appointment to have the ductwork cleaning crew come out to perform the ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing. So now, I have new HVAC equipment, clean air ducts and improved HVAC efficiency. I know I’m new at this but I’m glad to be figuring it out in my own home. It’s definitely something a person has to stay on top of though. Forgetting or procrastinating just doesn’t get it done. So I even have an alert on my phone to remind of things like changing the HVAC air filter each month.


heater technician