I never had the money to install a new fireplace

By the time the holiday season rolls around again this year, I am actually hoping that I will have my new fireplace installed in the house.

  • I have been wanting a wood burning fireplace for literally years and up until this point, I have just never had the time nor the money to get one installed.

It’s an immense project to get a wood burning fireplace installed on your home if it never had one to start out with. I have actually been wanting to get one for years now because I just don’t think that holidays are the same without a wood burning fireplace. I used to spend all of the holidays with my grandparents, and they consistently had a fire in their wood burning fireplace on holidays and my cousins and I loved it. It consistently made the home feel so cozy and cheerful when we were there with family and friends! That is something that I have consistently wanted to imitate with my own home, but it has never been possible because this home doesn’t have a fireplace in it! It’s been honestly frustrating for me over the years because I love traditions and I have consistently wanted to make this fireplace dream a reality because of the tradition that we had at my grandparents! Now, my husband and I have finally decided to get the fireplace installed this fall as soon as the weather starts cooling off. I can’t wait to have it done. The HVAC contractor who is doing the project is supposed to be great.


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