Allergies don’t stand a chance

When I reflect back, my entire life has been plagued by allergies.

When I was a small child I remember that my mother had severe allergies symptoms from pollen and dust, so we did not get to have as much fun playing outdoors.

Instead, we spent a whole lot of time indoors. Ironically, I later developed severe allergy symptoms towards those allergens that can be found within a home. It turns out that I am allergic to mold, mildew, dander, and dust. However, it took me several years to figure out that the air around me could be purified instead of me relying on allergy medication. For a long time I was coughing, sneezing, and rubbing my eyes all day long. Despite trying many medications and doctors, no flu symptom medications or doctor appointments were fixing the indoor contaminant irritations that I was suffering from. Eventually I stopped trying to get help from the medical community and considered whether climate control could help me. I called the nearest air quality control specialist and I got an appointment with a technician to come out and assess my central heating and air system. When the HVAC professional arrived, he soon recommended that I try HEPA air filters in conjunction with an advanced purification system that would operate in tandem with my normal air conditioner and heating unit. After all of these things were installed, it did not take long before I felt complete relief from my allergy symptoms. I eventually found out what allergen had been irritating me the entire time, but it was thanks to the heating, cooling, and air quality guy, nott all of the expensive doctors who I consulted.

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