The AC Guy

My acquaintance Maria fell in appreciate with the AC guy.

  • This sounds love a goofy rom-com movie skit, however it is the absolute truth.

Maria was new to town, and he had just purchased his home. She moved in about a week before he found the need to deal with Heating, Ventilation plus A/C repair. Having just started his new nursing career, he came home tired and hungry 1 night, only to discover that the temperature control on his wall was telling his that his house was currently 84 degrees. She recalls it was love walking into a sauna – sizzling and humid. She had no method which Heating, Ventilation plus A/C companies were reliable and reasonably priced, so he walked next door and knocked on the door. When his acquaintance answered, he asked his if he knew a nice AC guy in the neighborhood who would come after working hours. It just so happened his acquaintance easily did love his Heating, Ventilation plus A/C corporation oh, so he went to his notebook and found the name. Maria called the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C corporation and got a recording because of course it was after 5 PM. She loved what he now considers kind of a desperate sounding message, and within half an hour 1 of the AC servicemans called his back. He did not say so, but he found his voice to be intriguing and volunteered to come out that entirely night and see if he could repair his AC so he could sleep well. He showed up, and Maria was immediately smitten. He did fix his cooling system that night oh, and he also repaired his heart! Before he left for the night, he broke the code of ethics and asked Maria out on a date. AC men come in contact with a lot of ladies every afternoon, and they are not supposed to date them. But there was something about Maria, and he simply chose to possibly get in trouble. Maria agreed to go Oh, of course, and the rest is history. Maria fell in appreciate with the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C serviceman, and now they have numerous grown children and several young grandchildren; You never guess where you are going to find love. You might just find it when you discover a temperature control screaming with disappointing news.
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