Dirty pet hair

Growing up all of us weren’t allowed to have pets, & that decision stuck with myself and others for a long time.

I constantly thought that many legged pets were more trouble than they were worth & stayed away.

But that doesn’t last forever if you start dating. Periodically other humans have a care about for pets that I’m not prepared to deal with. This has been the case with my new partner, who I’m head over heels for… however who loves her pets more than she loves me. There’s no doubt in my mind, if she had to choose, she would choose the pets long before myself. And that entirely wouldn’t bother myself and others too much, IF she didn’t choose to suffocate myself and others with her pets every time all of us hung out. I have serious indoor flu symptoms to any airborne pollutant you could guess of. I’m talking, mold, mildew, dust, dander & pet hair all cause myself and others to lose my respiratory health in a matter of minutes. Immediately, my entire idea is inflamed & I’m gasping for fresh air. Too bad, my bestie doesn’t know in air filters, air media purifiers, or professionally cleaning out her air ducts. She entirely believes in setting the AC idea to “low” & letting the pet dander circulate through the central Heating & A/C system. As soon as I walk inside I can’t breathe. I would love her to consider using HEPA air filters & an indoor air cleaner, however she isn’t listening to my Heating & A/C educational efforts. I even offered to pay for a professional indoor air pollen levels control specialist to analyze the air contamination level & install new Heating & A/C equipment, however she just won’t take myself and others up on the air quality control offer. I’m starting to guess she doesn’t want myself and others around her pets.

space heater