We canceled our family movie night

We canceled our family movie night this week because our central air conditioning system broke down in our house.

None of us in the family can stand to live without air conditioning in the summertime.

We all love using the air conditioning during the summer. The central air conditioning system is really the most important appliance in our house. Since we always have family movie night in our house with all of the kids each week, everyone was surprised whenever I texted them all on the family group chat to cancel it. We all look forward to it as a way to come together and regroup as a family after a long week apart. Of course, I didn’t want to cancel the movie night, because it’s our favorite day of the week. But, I knew that it would be awful if we didn’t have any air conditioning because we would all be uncomfortable and sweaty while all packed into our small family room. So, I did what I had to do and I told everyone that we were not going to be having movie night this week. Instead, I called up the local HVAC company and made an appointment so that they could come and fix the air conditioning system for us. Hopefully, it’s going to be an easy fix and it won’t be too expensive for me either. Maybe we will have a double feature next week once the air conditioning is back up and running to make up for our canceled plans. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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