My party guests knocked over the space furnace and nearly started a fire

I developed a habit of distaste towards having a lot of visitors in our apartment because our parents were regularly having lunch parties at our house.

Their friends would get drunk and would try to engage our siblings and I verbally, often belligerently.

Since our parents were drinking as well, they didn’t step in to intervene at any point. This was aggravating on days when I needed to do homework or had an important test to study for. Occasionally I would beg our parents to cancel plans with their friends when it was a random Tuesday night, however our parents put their socialization hour ahead of their children every single time all of us had the never to ask. Now that I own our apartment and get to choose how to actually enter our home, I’m seriously guarded about get togethers or parties where I’m entertaining others. Unfortunately, our husband doesn’t see eye to eye with myself and others on this position. She enjoys having small cocktail parties with our friends and labor neighbors. The other day all of us had a party and I nearly freaked out when our party guests knocked over the space furnace in the residing room and started a small fire. I jumped into action with our fire extinguisher and put out the blaze. The space furnace has a tip over switch on it, however the heating element was still overheated and managed to ignite the corner of a piece of furniture. That was the last time I ever put out space heating systems around guests, because I think the situation is too straight-forward to replicate. It’s even worse when alcohol is involved.

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