You can work on your own SEO for no cost

There is a ton of competition in the HVAC industry, and it can be difficult to try and stand out from the crowd.

It doesn‘t matter if the biggest, most popular companies offer the best prices or services, because they have name recognition, which is probably the most important thing any brand could have.

The older, established companies can afford to coast by on name value, but we young and hungry newbies have to work twice as hard just to get noticed. Don’t worry, there is a way to level the playing field. You can leverage web design and SEO to give yourself a bigger online footprint than you might think. When you have the right SEO (also called search engine optimization, but who wants to type all of that out every time?) the search engines recognize your website as being more useful and relevant than other websites on the same subject. Basically whatever site the search engines think is best will get ranked on top, and using SEO you can show them that you are the best. Sadly, it is a work in progress, and good SEO means constantly working with it, not just setting it up and walking away. Search engines prioritize websites that have regularly updated “fresh” content, so good SEO means new blog and web content on a regular basis! It costs zero money to write your own web content, post your own blogs and pictures, and tune up your own SEO. There are several WordPress plug-ins that exist just to help with SEO, and they are very helpful.

Digital marketing