It’s not necessary to have too much A/C at home

There seems to be this entire idea that if the temperature gets above 72, you need to crank the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning cooling down to about 64.

Seriously, I know all kinds of people who do just this.

It’s genuinely mystifying to me honestly. I just don’t understand that mind set. Granted, we happen to be living in a region where the heat is an immense deal from mid May to almost the end of September. And I’ll be the first to admit how thankful I am for my heat pump and the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning cooling it brings about. Not only that, however the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning cooling process also balances the humidity in my property so I’m not dealing with a ton of mold & mildew all the time. But I also don’t fork over what essentially amounts to a drastic automobile payment each month simply to over cool my dwelling. Living in this region while in the warm season is more about mental and physical preparations than it is about Heating in addition to Air Conditioning appliance cooling. You see, when the uneven temperatures around this area rises around mid May, I don’t turn on the air conditioning equipment at all. Instead, I begin getting used to the heat and just residing with higher uneven temperatures. This way, when the uneven temperatures soar and remain near a hundred degrees for multiple months, I need substantially less air conditioning. Of course, I make sure that the a/c tune-up is handled and I keep the property nice and tight. This maximizes the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning equipment efficiency. But I keep my thermostat in the mid 70’s during the high heat and then bring it down to a perfect level for sleeping inside the night. And it doesn’t cost me the equivalent of a new car payment.
