Can make it by with less air conditioning at home

There honestly seems to be this crazy idea that if the temperature gets above 82, you absolutely must crank the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling down to about 60.

Honestly, I easily know people who do just this.

It’s entirely mystifying to me. I just don’t understand that way of thinking. Granted, the bunch of us live in a region where the heat is a massive deal from mid May to practically the end of September. And I’ll be the first to say how grateful I am for our heat pump plus the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling it easily provides. Not only that but the Heating as well as Air Conditioning cooling process also balances the humidity in our residence so I’m not dealing with a bunch of mold & mildew regularly. But I also don’t fork over what amounts to a drastic car payment each month simply to provide too much cooling for our house. Living in this region during the warm season is more about mental plus physical preparations than it is about Heating as well as Air Conditioning machine cooling. You see, when the temperatures around these parts actually begin rising about mid May, I don’t turn on the a/c machine in the slightest. Instead, I begin adjusting to the heat plus just living with more brutal temperatures. This way, when the temperatures rise plus stay near a hundred degrees for a few months, I need way less a/c. Of course, I make sure that the cooling machine tune-up happens plus I keep the residence perfectly tight. This maximizes the Heating as well as Air Conditioning machine efficiency. But I keep my control component in the mid 80’s during the terrible heat plus then bring it down to a comfortable level when it’s time to sleep at night. And it doesn’t cost me so much money like paying for a new car.

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