Started working at home, needed a new way to get lunch

Then I discovered meal prep services.

Ever since I have started working from home, I have been doing a lot of overtime, and it is so much easier to just work and take breaks at my own home. I absolutely like working at home, however, there has been 1 small issue I have been having. When I was still working at my usual job, not at home, I would go and get meals from nearby fast food sites on my lunch break. Most places are only 5 minutes away from my workplace so it was honestly easy to get meals on the go. However, where I work is far from where I live and since I live in a slightly more rural area, a lot of fast food sites are further away from me, so by the time I go out, get food from a fast food site, return home and eat it, I am already almost late to go back to work. This was truly aggravating and it got to the point of skipping meals and just trying to make a simple sandwich. Then I discovered meal prep services. There are apparently a lot of local food delivery services near me, where the delivery person picks up the food and delivers it for you! You do have to pay an extra cost of course for delivery, but since a lot of these delivery people can get here pretty fast, faster than I can, it’s worth it. One of my other favorite parts is the fact that they have such a massive variety online. Order pancakes online, order soups online, order desserts online and the list goes on. I decided to get pancakes, as a late breakfast, but after I ordered, my food was delivered in 15 minutes and I still had another 30 minutes left of my break to enjoy some TV.

meal prep