I like to run for a workout

I’ve always enjoyed running for my workouts.

I like the simplicity of this type of exercise.

I don’t need a whole bunch of specialized gear, and I can run most anywhere. It doesn’t matter if I’m at home or on vacation, I can usually find a suitable route to jog. All I need is a good pair of running shoes and the right clothing for the weather. I’ve invested into top quality sneakers that are designed for running and I have two pairs. I alternate which pair I wear in order to let them recover in-between. I also make sure to buy a new pair every six months. I have a complete wardrobe of clothing that suits the various weather extremes. I have lightweight long-sleeved jackets and pants that are especially warm as well as those that wick away moisture and keep me cool. I have specialized rain gear to keep me dry and a camel pack that I wear for easy access to hydration. To avoid injury and soreness, I am conscientious about thoroughly warming up before I head out on a run. I rotate my ankles and wrists and go through a series of exercises that stretch my various muscles. I run anywhere from 3 to ten miles and vary between flat routes and those with inclines. I don’t allow myself to run everyday. I know that it’s a good idea to allow my joints and muscles a day of rest. On the off-days, I focus on strength training, abdominal crunches, swimming, cycling, kayaking or anything that doesn’t overly tax my joints.

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