Enjoy outdoor workout

When it rains, snows or the temperature drops below freezing, I’m forced to workout indoors

I live too far away from a gym to make a membership worthwhile. I need to manage my workouts at home. I have a very large wooden deck constructed on the back of my home that provides an ideal workout space. It’s plenty big, elevated and offers a lovely view of the woods behind my house. I enjoy breathing the fresh air, feeling the sun on my face and no worries over causing damage to furnishing. I’m able to blast my music, unroll my yoga mat and go through all different types of exercise. However, the weather in my area often makes it difficult or impossible to workout outdoors. There are times when I need to wait until midday for the weather to warm up. If the conditions are especially chilly, I dress in long pants and layers of clothing. It can be a challenge to warm up my muscles and get motivated. In the middle of the summer, I make an effort to workout as early as possible in the morning to avoid the heat of the day. I dress in very loose and cool clothing and still sweat profusely. The humidity can be brutal, and I need to make sure to properly hydrate. When it rains, snows or the temperature drops below freezing, I’m forced to workout indoors. I have very limited space and can’t do much in the way of high impact aerobics. I need to get creative and focus on mainly strength training and abdominal crunches. It gets boring and frustrating, and I always look forward to better weather.

Steam rooms