New beginning gets new Heating & Air Conditioning

Well, it has been a year of change that is for sure.

This past year has been replete with getting accustomed to dealing with all manner of obstacles & challenges for me.

The pandemic thankfully has missed infecting me this year. I count my blessings for that. I spent a whole lot of time inside the air conditioner of my lake house to avoid it. However, I also lost my task. The company I worked for contracted a great deal as a result of the economic downswing. My task was eliminated as the executive management staff was gutted in a cost splitting move. So not only did I lose that perfectly Heating & Air Conditioning controlled corner office, I had no where to go due to the pandemic. This led to plenty of introspection. I’m a guy in his 50’s who is most likely never going to find employment making somewhere near my old salary. And forget the perfectly Heating & Air Conditioning took care of corner office. This truth led me to another truth. I was too young to just call it a career & I was expert in my field. So I decided that I would go out on my own. That meant starting a consulting contractor of my own. While I had a fantastic severance package, it wasn’t enough to go out & rent office space. So I decided to turn a guest room into a proper office. And I chose to have a ductless mini cut installed by the local repair provider. This way, I would still have that perfectly Heating & Air Conditioning controlled office. Just not the view.
