There’s nothing like the heating when you’re sick

I don’t know about you, but when I’m sick and feeling under the weather, I just want to stay home and sit by the heating system whenever I can.

Maybe everyone else is like that, but I somehow have the feeling that it’s just me. I guess that’s because my husband can’t stand to have the heating turned on when he’s sick. He says that if he has a fever, he just wants to sit next to the air conditioning unit. That’s not me at all, though. I’m basically a freeze baby for most of the year, anyway. So if I happen to be sick, it just ends up making it worse for me. I actually wear a big winter coat and fuzzy slippers around the house during the day whenever I have to stay home sick from work. Then I make myself a nice hot cup of tea, turn on the gas fireplace, and set the thermostat just about as high as it will go. It drives my husband crazy, but I don’t care. If I’m sick and feeling under the weather, then I become very selfish with the heating and cooling system. The only thing I want to think about is getting myself well so that I will start feeling better. I told my husband that if doesn’t like my temperature settings, then he should just go into the bedroom and block off the heating vents. I don’t even care if he opens up the windows. I just want to be left alone until I start to feel better. And for me, there’s nothing better than turning the furnace on super high when I am sick!

Air conditioning workman