The rain is putting a chill in the house.

The thermometer may read that it is sixty degrees outside, but it doesn’t feel anywhere near that in my house.

Normally, it would be hot and dry in the winter, because of the fireplace, but not right now.

The icy rain seems to invade the entire house, and it gets cold and damp. I know a lot of it is our furnace. It hasn’t been working well for quite a while. Earlier this winter, we found a problem with the fireplace. The flue broke and whenever we try to put a fire in the hearth; the smoke comes out into the house. This was like a double whammy since we couldn’t use the fireplace and the furnace didn’t work well. I tried to tell my husband that we should have the furnace repaired, but he thought it was an unnecessary expense since we had the fireplace. When the fireplace needed to be repaired, he said we could just use the furnace. So now it is raining, the temperature is barely sixty and I am freezing, since he refused to have either the furnace or fireplace repaired. I called the HVAC company and told them to bring us the new furnace we had talked about. I also wanted him to install a climate control thermostat. I would not be uncomfortable just because of the weather. Climate control means the thermostat could set the indoor temperature and humidity to complement what type of weather we had outside. My husband won’t be happy, but it had to be done. I’ll deal with my husband when he gets home from work.

Dial thermostat