Our party turned was way more fun after the heater broke

There was a lot of warm air coming out of the heater.

New Year’s Eve is always a time to celebrate, but my friends and I were especially happy to celebrate the end of 2020. It was a year filled with problems and pain. I lost two of my family members to the covid-19 virus. I haven’t worked in 6 months, due to all of the rules and regulations surrounding restaurants. My friends and I decided to throw a party to celebrate New Years Eve. We were ready to be done with 2020 and we wanted to send it off with a bang. We bought a keg of beer and plenty of chips, pretzels, and pizza. We invited a dozen people to come to our apartment and share in the celebration. People started to arrive shortly after 8 pm. The apartment was filled with people from one wall to the other. Everyone was having fun and we were all drinking. I started to feel warm when the New Year’s Eve celebration started on TV. I thought it was due to the alcohol in my system. At 11 p.m., I realized that the heater was broken. There was a lot of warm air coming out of the heater. I tried to turn the knob and it broke off in my hand. The temperature inside of the apartment was getting hotter and hotter. I could not get a hold of the building supervisor to fix the heater, so we turned our New Year’s Eve party into a beach party and everyone stripped down to their underwear and bra. We partied hard until the middle of the morning hours.


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